Info: 'To obtain your password please register as a user.Supporting shareware you will allow development of other software.Insert your Name as it was written for registration and the password as obtained EXACTLY without any additional space.'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=160, x2=319, y2=213
Type: -120
Info: 'WARNING:Keep the registration paper you obtained in a safe place!If you move the software on another Macintosh or use another startup HD you will be asked to introduce your data AGAIN.'
Info: 'This sw is shareware, if you use it please register sending US$ 6.00 to the author.'
Bounds: x1=4, y1=88, x2=260, y2=157
Type: -120
Info: 'Mac Restart v. 1.1.0Restart automatically your Mac at a prefixed time, saved in the preference.Put an alias to Mac Restarter in the startup item of your server to have a restart a day...'